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How Long Do Tyres Last & How To Identify Wear

Your tyres are one of the most important components of your car, influencing its handling, fuel efficiency, and safety. That’s why understanding how long do tyres last is essential for keeping your vehicle in top condition. Worn or damaged tyres can lead to a host of problems, including reduced performance and increased risk on the road.

How Long Do Tyres Last?

The lifespan of your tyres depends on several factors such as your driving habits, road conditions, the type of tyres you use, and how often you drive. While there is no exact figure, how long do tyres last typically falls in the range of 20,000 to 50,000 miles for most cars. However, the actual duration could be shorter or longer depending on the above factors.

Experts generally recommend replacing your tyres every 6 years, but if they are approaching 10 years, it’s best to replace them, even if they seem to be in good condition. It’s important to keep in mind that how long do tyres last can also depend on whether you notice any specific warning signs that indicate your tyres need replacing.

Signs That Indicate It's Time to Replace Your Tyres

There are several signs that can answer the question, How long do tyres last? and help you determine if they need replacing:

  • Worn Tread: One of the most obvious signs is worn tread. As tyres wear down, the tread depth decreases, and this affects grip. The legal minimum tread depth is 1.6mm, but for safety, it’s recommended to replace tyres when the tread is worn down to 3mm. If your tyres are getting low on tread, it’s time to think about replacement.
  • Cracks in the Rubber: Exposure to the sun and extreme temperatures can cause cracks to form in the rubber, especially if the tyres are old. Cracks are a clear indicator that the rubber is deteriorating, and you should replace your tyres to avoid the risk of them failing.
  • Loss of Air Pressure: If your tyres lose air faster than usual, this could be a sign that they are old or have been damaged. Tyres naturally lose a small amount of air over time, but if the loss is excessive, you may need to replace them. This can also happen due to cracks or weaknesses in the rubber, affecting how long do tyres last.
  • Wobbly Wheels: If your car experiences vibrations or the wheels feel wobbly, especially at high speeds, this could be a sign of unbalanced tyres or uneven wear. These issues need to be addressed immediately to avoid further damage. If not dealt with, it can decrease how long do tyres last and result in more costly repairs.

How Long Do Tyres Last on Average?

The average lifespan of tyres is influenced by the type of vehicle, road conditions, and driving habits. On average, your front tyres will last for about 20,000 miles, and rear tyres may last longer. If you drive around 5,000 miles per year, your tyres should last for about four years. However, It can vary greatly depending on the type of driving you do. For example, aggressive driving or frequent long trips can shorten the lifespan of your tyres.

How Long Can a Spare Tyre Last?

How Long Do Tyres Last

Spare tyres are designed for emergency use only and are not built to last as long as regular tyres. If you’re wondering, “How long do tyres last” in the case of a spare, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t drive more than 50 miles on a spare tyre, nor should you exceed 50 mph. Spare tyres are intended to get you to a repair shop, not for long-term use.

When Should You Replace Your Tyres?

If you notice any of the signs above or if your tyres are nearing 6 to 10 years of age, it’s time to replace them. Regular tyre checks and maintenance can help you get the most out of your tyres, ensuring safety and performance for the road ahead.

When it’s time for a replacement, rest assured that we provide the best mobile tyre replacement service, bringing the expertise and convenience right to your doorstep. Whether you’re at home or on the road, we make tyre replacement simple and hassle-free.

By staying proactive and choosing our reliable service for tyre replacements, you can ensure your tyres are in excellent condition, keeping you safe and your vehicle running smoothly.